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your free yoga class

    "Everything in your external world starts with your internal world."

    Transform your inner world to manifest true happiness in your external life. Through my own journey, I've discovered the power of daily yoga and meditation in unlocking fulfillment. Let me guide you on this path with a calming 30-minute yoga practice tailored to your schedule.

    Align your mind, body, and soul to reclaim control of your life and invite peace into every moment.

    You will receive:


    Easy Flow Yoga

    This short practice 30 minute practice seamlessly blends movement, strength and flexibility with the rhythm of your body whilst focusing on alignment, breath and mindfulness, guiding you to explore your bodies natural capability whilst finding balance and harmony within.

    Filmed whilst on retreat in Kerala.



    "Claire's teaching is a combination of subtle strength and gentle grace. It leaves me feeling empowered and open to letting in what I am needing at that point, but also of letting go of what is not needed anymore. She is a delightful teacher, so caring, very thorough with alignment and fun too!"
    Anna. London